Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Birthday!
Last Day of School!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
April Fools Day
Hey you guys! It's Sasha. In the last post, I told you how a girl named Jade Smith has emailed me and told me that she was a big fan. Well apparently, it was an April Fools Day joke! OH MY GOSH! It turns out that this "Jade Smith" person was my best friend Lisna!! She so got me....woops :) So ya..now I'm back to not knowing if anyone besides Lisna reads my blog (THANK YOU VERY MUCH LISNA) Oh and by the way, im really mad because i just got back from Six Flags, and some stupid person took a CAT under their shirt onto a RIDE AND I WAS SITTING RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM AND THE CAT GOT FREAKED OUT AND ESCAPED AND JUMPED OVER MY HEAD ONTO MY LAP AND PUKED ALL OVER ME!! AND THEN THE FAT DUDE WHO TOOK THE CAT ON REACHED OVER ME AND GRABBED THE CAT AND WAS LIKE "Oh im sorry". IM LIKE SORRY WONT REPLACE MY PANTS DUMMY! LOL.....................................................................................................................
..april fools! none of that ever happened. GOTCHYA! ok talk to yall lata!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I am back!
Thank u thank u thank u!!
~Sasha :)